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Question: How do I get foam off my skin?

Answer: There is no solvent that will remove cured polyurethane foam. It will not harm your skin and will wear off in several days. To remove it from skin faster than that use a pumice stone (available at most drug stores) and lots of warm, soapy water.

Question: Is the Froth-Pak fire-retardant?

The 25FS version of the Froth-Pak (available in the 180 and larger kits) is considered to be fire retardant. It will burn if exposed to open flame or sparks, but is self-extinguishing when the source is removed.

Question: Where can I find a Froth-Pak in my local area?

The Froth-Pak is sold through a network of construction distributors. The best way to find the nearest distributor is to call Flexible Products Company and ask for the Building Products sales representative who covers your state.

Question: How much foam is in a Froth-Pak?

The theoretical yield of two-component Froth-Pak’s is listed below:
Froth-Pak 180 kit @ 1.75 pcf density = 200 board feet or 16.6 cubic feet
Froth-Pak 180 kit @ 2.75 pcf density = 115 board feet or 9.6 cubic feet
Froth-Pak 600 kit @ 1.75 pcf density = 600 board feet or 50 cubic feet
Froth-Pak 600 kit @ 2.75 pcf density = 400 board feet or 33.3 cubic feet
Many other densities and kit sizes are available. Call 888 868-1183 for more information.

Question: Are there any sizes larger than the Froth-Pak 600 kit?

Yes. Froth-Pak spray insulation foam is available in refillable, returnable tanks as well. These tanks are owned by Flexible Products and are returned when empty. Sizes available include 17, 60, 120, and 350 gallon sets.

Question: Can Froth-Pak be shipped UPS?

Yes. The Froth-Pak 600 and smaller kits may be shipped by UPS Ground or Air (with special documentation).

Question: What is the lowest temperature at which Froth-Pak and Insta-Seal can be dispensed?

40 F. The contents of the tanks should be as close to room temperature (70 F) as possible when dispensed.

Question: What is the maximum temperature that the cured foam can handle?

240 F. If the air temperature or substrate is any hotter than that the foam will become a fire hazard.

Question: Why is nitrogen required to pressurize the larger, refillable Froth-Pak tanks?

Nitrogen is a very dry gas. The raw chemicals inside the tanks are very sensitive to moisture so compressed air cannot be used. The smaller disposable tanks are pre-pressurized at the factory so this is not an issue with them.

Question: How do I dispose of the portable Froth-Pak kit when it is empty?

Answer: The best way to dispose of the tanks is to: 1) close all valves.
2) remove the hoses from the tanks and throw away. They are not reusable.
3) carefully open the valves on the tanks while pointing it into a trash can. Allow any remaining chemical to flow into the trash can until all pressure is relieved. 4) leave the valves open and throw the tanks away. Make sure that the raw A and B chemicals are mixed together if possible. Always check local regulations before disposing of any chemicals or pressurized vessels.

Question: Does the Froth-Pak come in a small size for touchup or small jobs?

Yes. It is called the Froth-Pak 12 kit and it will yield approximately 12 board feet. There is a standard disposable version and a refillable version that features a reusable dispenser.

Question: I need a product that I can use to fill around my tub to set it in place. What can I use?

Because of Froth-Pak’s quick chemical cure it is perfect for use as a tub surround. Froth-Pak foam will add some structural support when setting a tub in place.

Question: Where else can I use two-component foam?

Plumbing – Stops moisture
Cold Storage – air sealing, insulation
Construction – void filling
Maintenance – patch fills, cracks, crevices, holes

Question: Can mice chew through Insta-Seal?

Polyurethane foam has no nutritional value and it does make an effective barrier against pests like mice, but they can chew through it if they are determined enough.

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